Take control of your future with expert guidance tailored specifically for you.
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Take control of your future with expert guidance tailored specifically for you.
Simply pick your preferred time and date and fill in your details. We’ll confirm your appointment via email.
For you if in the age bracket of 35 to 52, experiencing life changes and aspiring to incorporate entrepreneurial leadership into your journey.
For you if at an advanced entry-level at work, interested in transitioning into running own business.
For you if seeking peace of mind, workplace success, and fulfillment after recent personal shifts such as divorce.
Not for you unless between the ages of 35 to 52 or not considering starting own business.
Not for you if not committed to transitioning from advanced entry-level positions to CEO role.
Not for you if not prepared to invest time and effort to achieve peace of mind, success at work, and fulfillment after effects of personal changes.
R. Alexis Carnegie is an Executive Transitional Coach that has many teams and personal life experience specializing in business development and overcoming familial and relationship trauma.
R. Alexis Carnegie helps others to achieve the goals and next levels of success to experience a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle.
R. Alexis Carnegie believes in each individual’s ability to succeed in life goals and to thrive when authentic to core beliefs and desires when paired with the right individuals, life coaches, and / or therapists.
Helping 35+ year old men and women through challenges and trauma and business owners through pivotal moments within their business is the standard and foundation that Carnegie Success is built on.
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